Family Lawyer serving Tucson since 1991
3333 N Campbell Avenue - Suite 10 - Tucson, AZ 85719

Family Lawyer serving Tucson since 1991
Reagen Kulseth is an experienced and knowledgeable attorney
who can help you in a wide range of family law matters including:
If you are considering a divorce, legal separation, or annulment, you do not have to sort through the procedural and legal requirements alone. Reagen is an experienced family law lawyer who will help you understand the law and your most likely outcome.
Reagen is an experienced military divorce lawyer who can explain the unique laws applicable to divorces and legal separations involving military members.
Whether you need a litigator, a mediator, or a little bit of both, Reagen can help you decide which options are best for you.
Reagen is well-versed in the complexities of Paternity law. She can assist in easily navigating the sensitive legal area that affects the lives of the child or children involved as well as their parents, while keeping the best interest of the child in mind.
If you need to establish or modify decision-making authority and/or parenting time for your child, Reagen has the knowledge and experience to guide you through the process.
Reagen has extensive comprehension of child support laws and regulations. She can substantially reduce the stress and confusion of an otherwise complex process.
Alimony, spousal support, or spousal maintenance issues should be settled while negotiating your divorce settlement. That takes control away from the judge and leaves it where it belongs…with you and your spouse.
If someone is not following a court order, there are different options available to get the person to comply depending on the order in violation.
In certain situations, someone who is not the child’s legal parent, can be classified as a “third-party” and may be entitled to visitation with a minor child. In Arizona, grandparents and other persons such as domestic partners, can petition the Court for visitation with a minor child even if the child’s parent(s) objects.
Contact us for a consultation.
For your convenience we offer telephonic, ZOOM, or
in-person consultations.
The Law Office of Reagen Kulseth
3333 N Campbell Avenue - Suite 10 - Tucson, AZ 85719
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